About Me

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Kymberlie Ingalls is native to the Bay Area in California. She is a pioneer in blogging, having self-published online since 1997. Her style is loose, experimental, and a journey in stream of consciousness. Works include personal essay, prose, short fictional stories, and a memoir in progress. Thank you for taking a moment of your time to visit. Beware of the occasional falling opinions. For editing services: http://www.rainfallpress.com/


Kymberlie Ingalls is a blogger and author, native to and still living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The creator of the successful Writer of the Storm and Neuroticy = A Societal Madness sites, she began blogging in the late 90s, before it became the phenomenon that is prevalent today.

Her work focuses on personal topics such as love, relationships, grief and memory loss.

Ms Ingalls has a colorful history in stage, comedy, auto racing, radio broadcasting, and teaching.  All of this feeds her broad scope of writing in memoir, prose, fiction and opinion essays.  She has received praise from critics, colleagues and writers for her heartfelt honesty and emotional depths. 

Click here for full video channel

Author reading - Lost Stars

Lecture - excerpt on the importance of branding:

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